Rabu, 30 November 2016

Makin Tua, Makin Difficult Lose Weight - Kompa

Makin Tua, Makin Difficult Lose Weight - Kompa
 The new year naturally led to new hope. Hope this one is to obtain a more healthy body with ideal weight. New year seemed to infuse the spirit of reaching a resolution tersebut.Namun for older adults, seem to need more than motivation to lose weight. This relates to the new facts stated, fatty deposits that must be removed for weight loss is also related to biological problems are increasingly complex with increasing usia.Menurut research experts from the University of Shizuoka Japan, there is a white and brown fat in the human body. Good brown fat to burn bad white fat. Good fats are located in the shoulder and neck, while the bad fats in the stomach and it turns brown paha.Lemak slowly disappearing along with the increase in age. As a result, the work of brown fat in adults slower with the burning of fat white fewer. Thus, adults should do more physical exercise to help burn white fat. A faster metabolism is expected to help work the fat coklat.Fakta was discovered after researchers conducted a study on two groups of rats. One group of mice was normal that serves as a control, while the other group did not have a platelet-activating factor receptors (PAFR). PAFR receptors that encode proteins in inflammatory conditions and transfer lemak.Pada this research, a group of mice lacking the PAFR become more fat than control. This marked an increase of 25 percent of body mass and fat content per cell to 55 percent. After comparing with control rats investigators concluded that obesity is the result of declining function of brown adipose tissue (BAT), or fat tissue coklat.Riset proves, control mice turned out to rely on different sources of brown fat. Fat does not stand alone, but coupled with white fat to generate energi.Menurut researchers in the field of health and cell biology from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Bruce Spiegelman, the same mechanism may occur in humans. However, this function decreases with age. This resulted in adults struggle to lose weight is getting harder, but still have to do. "" With this result, adults should be twice as hard to maintain his diet. They should also regularly exercise with the result that 50 per cent smaller than that of the sport at an earlier age, "" said the editor-in-chief of The FASEB Journal, Dr. Gerald Weissmann.
He said, the findings in this research as well as warnings to eat more vegetables and exercise as we age. This pattern is simply to maintain the health of the body, before cokat fat function decreases to stop the study at the same time denied sekali.Hasil previous research that considers the brown fat is not beneficial to adult humans. Research previously stated, brown fat is only useful for the baby so that the body remains warm and not shivering. Therefore, the baby had reserves of brown fat in the shoulders, back, and spine bulkhead, than the next dewasa.Namun some research shows even adults have brown fat, but not always used when the body is cold. When the body of an adult doing physical exercises, brown fat will burn ordinary fat deposits and processes it into an energy source.
Adults who cold also increase metabolism by 80 percent. This is because brown fat and white fat faster process to generate heat that warms the body. This research also opens new research targets, namely to determine the molecular level how PAFR be inactive. Furthermore, these results can be used as an approach to treat various diseases trend this year is diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, cancer, infertility, and ulcer.

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Kamis, 24 November 2016

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan Ala Korea

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan Ala Korea

Alli - The New "super Drug"

Setiap hari hanya sekitar, Anda mendengar dari baru "obat ajaib" atau "super obat" yang diatur untuk memajukan ilmu pengetahuan dan membuat sejarah medis. Nah, sementara banyak dari berubah menjadi gangguan modis, sebenarnya ada terobosan ini sedang dibuat di bidang penurunan berat badan. Ton suplemen dan pil diet di pasar, tapi hanya satu menawarkan judul "disetujui FDA pil diet". Nama ini "obat super" adalah Alli dan itu adalah mengambil dunia dengan badai, meskipun mahal dan ada obat lain yang bekerja sama, jika tidak lebih baik.

Ada ratusan dan ribuan pil diet di pasar saat ini semua mengklaim memiliki efek mengurangi ngidam dan penyerapan lemak. Sementara banyak dari melakukan pekerjaan, mereka sering sulit untuk mendapatkan dan mahal. Sebagian besar waktu Anda akan perlu untuk mendapatkan resep dokter untuk mendapatkan pil diet yang merepotkan dan menimbulkan biaya tambahan. Baru "super obat", Alli tersedia di atas meja untuk siapa saja dan semua orang yang membutuhkan mereka. Keputusan untuk membuat Alli FDA disetujui telah datang di bangun dari krisis pasar di Amerika Serikat dan keprihatinan atas obesitas di negara ini.

Jika Anda ingin menurunkan berat badan dengan cara yang mudah, maka yang harus Anda lakukan adalah membaca ulasan Alli, dan memutuskan untuk diri sendiri bahwa FDA tersebut disetujui pil diet akan membantu Anda untuk menurunkan berat badan. Yang harus Anda lakukan adalah membuat beberapa penyesuaian gaya hidup kecil dan lihat hasilnya hampir segera. Hal ini tidak hanya cara mudah untuk mendapatkan tipis dan memerangi obesitas, tetapi ia melakukannya dengan cara sebagian alami dan tanpa efek samping yang berbahaya, hanya sedikit kebingungan.

Mereka membantu orang untuk mendapatkan tipis dan menyembuhkan bangsa obesitas, tapi juga mengajarkan orang untuk makan dengan benar dan olahraga. Ini akan menyembuhkan orang dalam jangka panjang dan mencegah obesitas di masa depan. Apa Alli review akan menunjukkan efek samping yang tidak nyaman, tetapi juga akan memuji ini "obat ajaib" untuk cara brilian bahwa ia bekerja. Kebanyakan orang mengklaim bahwa efek samping yang benar-benar layak dan dengan begitu banyak orang mendapatkan tipis dan cocok menggunakan Alli, maka tidak heran FDA telah menyetujui Alli.

Jadi apa yang efek samping? Sakit kepala? Yah, tidak persis. Sementara tubuh Anda sedang mencoba untuk melepaskan diri dari racun dan asam lemak juga akan mencegah timbunan lemak baru memasuki tubuh. Ini berarti mereka diusir dari tubuh Anda menyebabkan beberapa diare dan perut ketidaknyamanan. Tidak ada efek samping yang menyakitkan dan tidak ada di samping kecenderungan alami tubuh Anda untuk menghilangkan lemak. Namun ini akan mendorong Anda untuk makan makanan sehat dan mengurangi asupan lemak Anda. Anda juga harus berolahraga saat menggunakan pil diet disetujui FDA ini. Alli adalah memastikan bahwa Anda mendapatkan tipis dan kemudian juga tetap kurus. Ini tidak hanya menciptakan kegemparan karena efektivitas mereka, tetapi juga karena Anda sekarang dapat membeli pil diet ini di atas meja tanpa resep.

Senin, 07 November 2016

5 Myths Threatening Protein Weight Loss - Kom

5 Myths Threatening Protein Weight Loss - Kom
Protein can make you feel full longer and it is important to establish and maintain muscle mass. But, this does not mean you should eat protein recklessly.
However, the amount and type of protein, it is very important that the protein can function optimally in the body, rather than threaten waistlines, says Jamie Baum, Ph.D., assistant professor of food science and researchers protein at the University of Arkansas.
Baum warned, there are five myths about protein previously believed many people, but actually harmful to the muscle and weight. This is the fifth myth.
Myth 1: The more protein, the more muscle
In fact, your body can not repair or build muscle optimally without a full intake of amino acids from protein sources. However, eating protein alone is not enough to build strong muscles, says Baum.
You need to exercise for it. Especially when with age because the body's ability to build muscle will be reduced.
Aerobic and resistance exercise is necessary for the body to build muscle optimally, said Wayne Campbell, Ph.D., professor nutriisi at Purdue University.
Myth 2: All the proteins of the same type
Almost all intake you eat, but water and soda, even a little protein. But, not all foods contain the essential amino acids necessary for the formation of muscle.
"" There is a big difference between animal and vegetable proteins. Animal protein contains essential amino acids while not edible, "" said Campbell.
Myth 3: The more protein, the better
There is a limit on how much protein your body can use, said Douglas Paddon-Jones, Ph.D., professor of nutrition and metabolism at the University of Texas Medical Branch. For most people, the limit between 25-30 grams per meal.
Rather than increase the amount of protein into your daily menu, better trying to distribute the protein we eat, advice Paddon-Jones.
Paddon- Jones also said, there are a lot of people do not eat protein at breakfast but as much protein intake at dinner.
Instead of eating as much protein a meal, and the body can not process it, the better reduce the amount of protein at dinner and add protein at breakfast.
Myth 4: We need protein immediately after exercise
There are still many people who immediately drink a protein shake immediately after exercise and according to Baum, this is a misunderstanding. Body building athletes need protein every four hours. However, for ordinary people, simply by eating protein at every meal (morning, afternoon, evening).
The study, published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that eating protein after exercise does not give any advantage compared with eating protein by the same amount, at every time you eat.
Myth 5: If you're tired, maybe it's because of lack of protein
Tired all day, it could be a signal to you in less protein. But, this will only happen if the deposits of proteins is very low.
If you are a vegetarian and although you look thinner waist size has not changed, maybe it's a sign you should memerbanyak intake of nuts as a protein source.
But there are also many cases of fatigue, which has nothing to do with the intake of protein, said Campbell.
Myth 6: Eat a lot of protein will help you lose weight
Baum said proteins can enhance the flavor "" satisfied, "" so you avoid overeating at the next meal. But, this does not mean you can eat protein with arbitrary.
Excess protein can also make weight gain and make you fat. If you want to increase the amount of protein, Campbell advise you to reduce the intake of carbohydrates.
This reduction instead of protein you add to your plate. This way, you avoid the intake of excessive calories that could threaten waistlines.
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